15 research outputs found

    Possibility of Various Types SNF Reprocessing at the PA Mayak exampled with AMB SNF

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    AbstractFor the purpose of reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel from the water-cooled graphite-moderated pressure-tube reactor named AMB from decomissioned Russian “Atom Peaceful Big”, modernization of the process flow-sheet of the RT-1 plant is being carried out at PA Mayak with participation of FSUE KRI and VNIINM. A particular AMB SNF feature is extremely broad range of fuel compounds with the main ones being the uranium-molybdenum metal, uranium oxide and uranium carbide compositions usually dispersed in magnesium or calcium. Wide range of fuel compositions required to amend SNF dissolution, extraction processing, evaporation of high-level radioactive wastes and vitrification of high-level radioactive wastes. The above set of laboratory research was completed with dynamic tests using samples of AMB from the water-cooled graphite-moderated pressure-tube reactor. Tests have shown the possibility of processing the entire range of AMB SNF at the radiochemical plant RT-1 plant of the PA Mayak. Thus, the ability of the RT-1 plant to process different fuel compositions, including the long-term research reactor fuel have been proved experimentally

    Повышение эффективности диагностики и лечения больных с гнойно-воспалительными заболеваниями на основе применения лазерно-флюоресцентной диагностики

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    In this article the results of using laser-fluorescent diagnostics (LFD) method in patients with purulent diseases are demonstrated. LFD allows making an adequate assessment of the patient's rehabilitation process on the amplitude-spectral objective characteristics; to define dates of convalescence, to reveal complications and to correct an option of drug therapy in time. Such technology permits to prevent complications and reduce the time of treatment for 2-15 days (depends on severity of disease).В статье приведены результаты использования лазерно-флюоресцентной диагностики (ЛФД) в клинике у больных с гнойно-воспалительными заболеваниями. Метод ЛФД основан на объективных амплитудно-спектральных характеристиках, что позволяет проводить адекватную оценку процесса реабилитации больного, определять сроки его выздоровления, выявлять осложнения и своевременно корректировать выбор средств медикаментозной поддержки больных ГВЗ. Применение ЛФД позволяет предотвратить осложнения и сократить сроки лечения больных на 2-15 дней в зависимости от степени тяжести заболевания

    Multipurpose portable q-band bridge

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    The paper describes the design, implementation, and technical characteristics of a portable Q-band microwave (mw) bridge based on the Gunn diode with the potential use for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) spectroscopies. The mw frequency can be electronically adjusted in the range of 36–38 GHz with the maximal mw output of 120 mW and electronic attenuation of 0–60 dB. The value of the mw frequency can be stabilized and changed via automatic frequency control for direct and alternating current. A self-written Matlab-based program allows tuning and operating the bridge through the RS-485 interface. Examples of the EPR spectra implemented into the magnetic system of the Bruker ESP300 commercial spectrometer are shown

    Period of transition - proliferation hazards in the CIS

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    The booklet contains four papers of Russian authors with the titles: Nuclear non-proliferation in a rapidly changing world (Shmelev, V.M.); Toward a nuclear-weapons-free world (Rodionov, S.N.); The former Soviet Union; Non-proliferation challenges in the period of transition (Bukharin, O.); Some problems of nuclear weapons reduction control (Shmelev, V.M.). (HP)Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    20-year experience with laserofluorescent diagnostics in clinical microbiology

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    Results of rapid laser-assisted identification of microorganisms for diagnostics of microbial processes based on auto-fluorescence effect in bacteria-containing materials are summarized. It is proposed to use the auto-fluorescence technique for express diagnostics of pyoinflammatory diseases, evaluation of microflora conditions (eubiosis, dysbiosis) and sensitivity to antibiotics, monitoring and prognostication, assessment of the quality of antibiotic therapy. Priority in the development of this medical technology for laserofluorescent diagnostics and its practical application is protected by 15 patents

    20-year experience with laserofluorescent diagnostics in clinical microbiology

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    Results of rapid laser-assisted identification of microorganisms for diagnostics of microbial processes based on auto-fluorescence effect in bacteria-containing materials are summarized. It is proposed to use the auto-fluorescence technique for express diagnostics of pyoinflammatory diseases, evaluation of microflora conditions (eubiosis, dysbiosis) and sensitivity to antibiotics, monitoring and prognostication, assessment of the quality of antibiotic therapy. Priority in the development of this medical technology for laserofluorescent diagnostics and its practical application is protected by 15 patents